Sunday, July 30, 2006

From this site:
A student at Brigham Young, Danielle Pulsipher, a junior, offered blanket approval of the president. Asked to name which of his actions as president she liked most, she was hard-pressed to answer.
"I'm not sure of anything he's done, but I like that he's religious — that's really important," Ms. Pulsipher said.

"I like George Bush because he is God fearing," said Delia Randall, 22, of Provo, Utah

Lisa Sexton, a Bible school volunteer, believes every word in the Bible, rejects evolution theory, and supports the Iraq war, the Republican Party and Bush -- in part because he is a born-again Christian.
"I trust his opinion because of his beliefs," she said.

Not what his actual decisions were, but the perception of what influences his decisions - that's why people vote for him.

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